Different Spider Treatments
Exterior-only treatment – kills webs that are there and prevents new webs from being made for as long as the treatment lasts. Usual treatment times are yearly, or some people prefer 6 monthly.
Inside & Outside treatment - will also kill any spiders that get inside your house on contact, and if you have any inside webs, it will do the same as the exterior treatment.
Whitetail Treatment
Whitetail spiders do not spin a web, they live and breed in undisturbed places such as roof space and interior floor under furniture, beds, bottom of cupboards/wardrobes etc. They will also breed under the house if you are not on a concrete pad and have an underneath to your house. We spray the complete exterior of the house, under decks and any other areas outside that the technician thinks are potential breeding sites and treat underneath the house if you have one. On the inside, we spray the ceilings, walls, skirtings, window ledges and all floors including under beds and bottom of wardrobes & cupboards.
We also treat the roof space if you have one. What we are doing is treating their breeding areas and covering where they will walk if they come from outside as the spray is a contact-kill product. Whitetail spiders eat ordinary spiders so by spraying the exterior we are removing their food source which makes your house less attractive to whitetails. On that basis, most people find the ordinary spider treatment is sufficient. People have this treatment if they see a lot of whitetail spiders which indicates a breeding situation, they have been bitten, or, just do not want to get them, or are frightened of all spiders.
Daddy Long Legs
Technically not a spider but the interior spider treatment will kill them on contact. If you have a daddy long legs problem, however, we need to treat the roof space too as that is where they breed.
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
Master Technicians and Members of the Pest Management Association of New Zealand